Affidavit of Parental Consent to Marriage

I/WE, ________________________ of legal age, Filipino citizen/s, single/married/widow and presently residing at _______________________________, after having been duly sworn to in accordance with law, depose and state THAT:

1. I am/we are the mother/father/parents of ______________________ born in ______________________ on ________________;

2. M y/Our child is intending to contract marriage with ____________________ in ______________________;

3. I am/we are giving my/our consent to my/our child, ___________________ , marrying said ________________;

4. I am/we are executing this Affidavit for the purpose of informing the authorities concerned of the veracity of the foregoing facts and for whatever legal purposes it may serve.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I/we hereby affixed my/our signature/s this day of ___________________ in _______________ , Philippines .

__________________ SSS ID No. _____________ ____________________ SSS ID No. _____________

SUBCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this ___________________ in _________________ , Philippines, affiant/s exhibiting to me his/her/their valid proof/s of identification.

Doc. No. _____; Page No. _____; Book No. _____; Series of 2013.

Philippine Legal Forms Tags: Affidavit, Affidavit of Parental Consent to Marriage

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