Resident Screening: Tenant Background Check

Tenant background checks help landlords and property management companies optimize occupancy rates by using technology to help determine which applicants may qualify as tenants.

Tenant Background Check Services

Resident screening is not created equal. Proprietary databases, regularly updated public sources, and expert customer service combine to make First Advantage a leading choice for mitigating risk while remaining compliant with applicable laws. Resident screening and tenant background check solutions give property managers, owners, and leasing agents access to screening reports to quickly and confidently review information that assists in qualifying prospective renters. Our focus is helping you move quality tenants through the process quickly, reduce the potential for bad debt, and promote safety within your community. Tenant background check services are designed to do just that.

Why First Advantage?

As a trusted resident screening partner to hundreds of properties, we value the trust our customers have placed in us. First Advantage is a team of talented professionals with years of experience in the residential applicant screening industry. We are a dedicated group of like-minded individuals, working together to drive technology and screening automation for property managers, owners, and leasing agents alike.

Residential Income Verification

A secure, user-friendly interface makes income verification a snap. Getting income information from prospective tenants is a good practice. Even better? Verifying their income. RightIncome® serves up the vital income data while keeping it simple for both property managers and tenants to use.

Residential Identity Verification

An important component of resident screening, RightID® uses government-issued IDs and applicant selfies to flag potential inconsistencies in the applicant’s identity. Leverage a convenient, mobile workflow – typically completed in under 2 minutes. Start Today!

Did You Know?

1 Forrester Study: Misunderstanding and Inconsistency: The State of Fraud in the Rental Housing Industry

2 Fraud Isn’t Jut Growing – It’s Changing (