girlfriend application form" width="600" height="300" />
This GF application form is funny and less serious. Give it to a potential partner with a sense of humor.
This is a more serious and official girlfriend application form.
Use the typeable PDF to create an online application form instead of printing it.
This form includes basic information, contact information, education and employment, questions to get to know the person, past relationships, and a section for photographs.
If you want to edit the application form, then select the Microsoft Word version. You can also open it and edit it with Google Docs.
Things you might want to edit or add to the girlfriend application form template:
The deal breakers will change from person to person and they include the things you don’t want to compromise on. This can save you time instead of dating a potential boyfriend only to find out later that it won’t work long-term.
Add things that bothered you about previous boyfriends to ensure you don’t fall for the same type again.
Add a warning about what will happen if the candidate gives false information.
If you want to create a wife application then use the Microsoft Word version and edit the title accordingly.
If you are looking for a girlfriend then now is a good time to ask yourself What are you looking for in a relationship?