The rules regarding residence and work in Denmark are administered by the Danish Immigration Service and The Danish Agency for International Recruitment and Integration (SIRI) under the Ministry of Immigration and Integration. is the Danish Immigration Service and the Danish Agency for International Recruitment and Integration’s (SIRI) official web portal about the rules for entering and residing in Denmark.
If you are a Union citizen or EEA/Swiss national, you may stay in Denmark under the EU rules on free movement of persons and services. Read more on the state administrations website.
If you are a citizen of Finland, Iceland, Norway or Sweden, you are free to enter, live, study and work in Denmark. You do not need a visa or a residence permit. The State Administration and the Immigration Service can provide you with additional information. provides Foreign Service providers and employees posted to work in Denmark with information about their rights and duties. Employees posted to work in Denmark by a foreign enterprise are covered by certain provisions of Danish Law. Areas covered are i.e. health and safety at the workplace, working conditions and discrimination. is a practical guide relevant to your stay in Denmark - whether you are here to work or study.
EU rules on free movement will continue to apply during a transition period, at least until the end of 2020. If you are legally residing in Denmark at the end of the transition period, your rights as a British citizen to social benefits remain unchanged as if you were still an EU citizen.
This also applies to future events. If, for instance, you become unemployed after the end of the transition period, your right to social assistance or unemployment benefits will be the same as that of EU citizens. You will also be able in the future to return to UK with your pension entitlements.